かばおオーガニックのものがたくさん(ㆁωㆁ) 友達に紹介すると、みんな喜んでくれます。 店長さんもかわいくてとても良い人なんです! (Translated by Google) Lots of organic things (ㆁωㆁ) If you introdu...オーガニックのものがたくさん(ㆁωㆁ)
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Lots of organic things (ㆁωㆁ)
If you introduce it to your friends, they will be happy.
The manager is also cute and a very nice person! -
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The store is stocked with a wide variety of products, including agricultural products made without pesticides or chemical fertilizers, seasonings without additives, detergents and daily necessities that are gentle on the environment and the body, and you can shop with peace of mind while also being impressed by the sincerity of the staff. I felt that this is a store that makes it fun to stop by and listen to explanations about problems.
The clerk is also very friendly and nice ✨
Now that I've moved nearby, I would definitely like to stop by again! 😊 -
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I'm grateful that I can shop with peace of mind because they have products that are good for the body and the earth.♡ I'm especially happy that I can buy snacks for my children that are safe and secure☺️The owner, Kana, is always smiling and very knowledgeable, which is really nice. This is the person! This is a recommended shop! I would like to go again! ! -
井之上和美大府市にオーガニックのお店ができて嬉しい😊 無農薬のお野菜も買えるし、平飼い卵や、生麹、安心な食材が買えるのはありがたい。 オーガニックを広めたいかわいい店主に会えるお店です♡ (Translated by Google) ...大府市にオーガニックのお店ができて嬉しい😊
(Translated by Google)
I’m happy to have an organic shop in Obu City 😊
I'm thankful that I can buy pesticide-free vegetables, free-range eggs, raw malt, and safe ingredients.
This is a shop where you can meet a cute shopkeeper who wants to spread organic products♡ -
美奈店内の商品、ぜんぶ 興味ありありで、使ってみたいと思います!幸せ空間✨ 弥栄屋さんの商品で生活できるのは幸せ気分なります!有り難う御座います (Translated by Google) All products in the store I'm inter...店内の商品、ぜんぶ
(Translated by Google)
All products in the store
I'm interested and would like to try using it! Happy space✨
I feel happy to be able to live with Yaeya's products! Thank you very much -
まるう地元の新鮮なオーガニック野菜や こだわり調味料、お菓子、石鹸などの日用品まで 欲しい物が揃っているので、何度も訪れたくなるお店です! そして私の楽しみは 手作りコスメ✨明るく元気なオーナーさんとお喋りし...地元の新鮮なオーガニック野菜や こだわり調味料、お菓子、石鹸などの日用品まで 欲しい物が揃っているので、何度も訪れたくなるお店です!
そして私の楽しみは 手作りコスメ✨明るく元気なオーナーさんとお喋りしながら 自分好みの無添加コスメが簡単に作れちゃうので、こちらも超オススメですよ ♬.*゚
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It's a store you'll want to visit again and again because it has everything you want, from local fresh organic vegetables to carefully selected seasonings, sweets, and daily necessities like soap!
And what I look forward to is handmade cosmetics✨You can easily make your own additive-free cosmetics while chatting with the bright and energetic owner, so I highly recommend this too ♬.*゚ -
永田裕子ワークショップ楽しかったです!! 置いてある商品も興味深い物ばかりでお姉さんの感じも良く、ずっと居たくなるお店でした。 (Translated by Google) The workshop was fun!! The products on display were all i...ワークショップ楽しかったです!!
(Translated by Google)
The workshop was fun!!
The products on display were all interesting, and the shop's lady was very nice, making it a store that I wanted to stay in for a long time. -
松井めぐみ新鮮な無農薬野菜ずらり。 おすすめの食べ方なんかも教えてもらえます♩ 無農薬野菜本当においしいです♡ 食品だけでなく、生活にかかせない歯磨き粉や石鹸などなど日用品も豊富です♩ 店主の愛用品も多く、使い方...新鮮な無農薬野菜ずらり。
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An array of fresh, pesticide-free vegetables.
You can also learn about recommended ways to eat it ♩
Pesticide-free vegetables are really delicious ♡
In addition to food, there is also a wide variety of daily necessities such as toothpaste and soap that are essential to daily life.
The owner has many favorite items, and will tell you how to use them and recommended points ♡
And then...♡
Talking with the very bright and cute owner, Hana-chan, makes me feel better ♡
It is a power spot in Obu (^^) -
Megumi T店内には無農薬・無添加の商品が豊富に揃っていて、自分の健康にもっと気を使いたい方にぴったりです。 キママクラブの品揃えが多くてお料理にも大活躍!! 店員さんも親切で、商品について丁寧に説明してくれま...店内には無農薬・無添加の商品が豊富に揃っていて、自分の健康にもっと気を使いたい方にぴったりです。
(Translated by Google)
The store has a wide selection of pesticide-free and additive-free products, making it perfect for those who want to pay more attention to their health.
Kimama Club has a wide variety of products and is great for cooking! !
The store staff are also kind and explain the products in detail. This place where you can enjoy shopping with peace of mind is worth a visit. -
やまやま弥栄屋さん。とても良いお店でした。 無農薬のお野菜もあり、安心してお買い物できます。作り手の方がどんな思いで育てているかもわかって、料理していただいたらほんとに美味しかったです!! 調味料から日用品...弥栄屋さん。とても良いお店でした。
調味料から日用品まで、見てるだけでもワクワクする商品が揃ってます♪ 添加物のない商品って、こんなにも安心感があるんだなぁと思いました。オーナーのかなさんは、笑顔がとても素敵な方でした。いろんな知識が豊富で、お話するだけでもお店に行く価値があると思います。とても居心地の良い、おススメのお店です♡
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Mr. Yaeya. It was a very nice shop.
We also have pesticide-free vegetables, so you can shop with confidence. I learned how the creators were growing the vegetables, and when I cooked them, it was really delicious! !
From seasonings to daily necessities, there are products that make you excited just by looking at them♪ I thought that products without additives can give you such a sense of security. The owner, Kana, was a very nice person with a smile. He has a wealth of knowledge and I think it's worth going to the store just to talk. This is a very comfortable and recommended shop ♡ -
Yオーナーさんはとても勉強熱心な方でいろいろと教えてくださるので行くのが楽しみなお店です♪ (Translated by Google) The owner is very eager to learn and will teach you a lot of things, so it's a store ...オーナーさんはとても勉強熱心な方でいろいろと教えてくださるので行くのが楽しみなお店です♪
(Translated by Google)
The owner is very eager to learn and will teach you a lot of things, so it's a store I look forward to visiting. -
akira sugiura自然なモノを極力食べたい、体にいいモノ食べたい方には是非オススメなお店です😻 なかなか手に入らないモノまで売ってて 店員さんも美人で凄く喋りやすくて良い人で 最高でした🎵 (Translated by Google) This re...自然なモノを極力食べたい、体にいいモノ食べたい方には是非オススメなお店です😻
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This restaurant is highly recommended for people who want to eat as much natural food as possible and food that is good for their body.
They even sell things that are hard to find.
The clerk is also beautiful and very easy to talk to.
It was great 🎵 -
ikuyo miuraすべて安心安全で美味しい食品や、暮らしのアイテムが揃ったお店! 商品説明のポップは全て手書きで書かれていて、とても信頼できます。 分からないことなど相談にも乗っていただけて、パワースポット的なお店で...すべて安心安全で美味しい食品や、暮らしのアイテムが揃ったお店!
(Translated by Google)
A store with all safe, delicious food and everyday items!
All product descriptions are handwritten and are very reliable.
It's a power spot-like shop where you can ask for advice about things you don't understand ^^❤︎ -
絵里子中安朝採れの無農薬野菜が買えて食べるのが楽しみです。普段食べないお野菜(ツルムラサキ)も調理方法を教えてもらえたので早速今夜作ってみますね!醤油もいくつも種類があり、迷ってしまいましたが特徴を教えても...朝採れの無農薬野菜が買えて食べるのが楽しみです。普段食べないお野菜(ツルムラサキ)も調理方法を教えてもらえたので早速今夜作ってみますね!醤油もいくつも種類があり、迷ってしまいましたが特徴を教えてもらえてどれにするか決めれました( ◜‿◝ )野菜栽培にも挑戦しようと思えたのも 店主のかなちゃんのおかげ♡ 小松菜と人参栽培を楽しんでみようと思います!
(Translated by Google)
I look forward to being able to buy and eat pesticide-free vegetables picked in the morning. I learned how to cook a vegetable that I don't usually eat (Tsurmurasaki), so I'm going to try making it tonight! There are many types of soy sauce, and I was confused, but I was able to decide which one to use after learning about the characteristics. Thanks to Kana-chan ♡ I'm going to enjoy growing komatsuna and carrots! -
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My 2-year-old son, who hated vegetables, overcame his hatred by eating the vegetables here. All vegetables are delicious and can be eaten simply by adding salt and stir-frying. Another good thing is that there are many inexpensive products that are easy to purchase. This is a great store for families with children, as even if children make noise inside the store, they always respond with a smile. -
野口綾子明るく、とても居心地の良い店内です。 オーナーも素敵な方で、話しかけやすいです。 オーナーこだわりの安心安全な調味料や食品から日用品まで豊富に取り揃えています。 色々なワークショップも開催されていくよ...明るく、とても居心地の良い店内です。
(Translated by Google)
The store is bright and very comfortable.
The owner is also a nice person and easy to talk to.
We carry a wide selection of safe and secure seasonings and foods made by the owner, as well as daily necessities.
It seems that various workshops will be held, and I think it will become a place where people can make suggestions about what we need for our health in the future. This is a recommended shop. -
瑞穂杉浦とても親切。丁寧な店主様で 色んな知識が豊富な方なので相談にものってくれて安心して買い物が出来ます (Translated by Google) Very kind. A polite shopkeeper He is a person with a wealth of knowledge, s...とても親切。丁寧な店主様で
(Translated by Google)
Very kind. A polite shopkeeper
He is a person with a wealth of knowledge, so you can consult with him and shop with confidence. -
(Translated by Google)
This organic shop deserves the highest rating! There is a wide selection of carefully selected natural foods that are free of pesticides and additives, and the fermented foods and products made with koji are especially delicious. Gluten-free options are also available, which is a plus for those who are health conscious. The sweets are also good for the body, and the seasonings are made with quality ingredients. This is a wonderful shop where you can realize once again the goodness of natural foods. Deserves 5 stars! -
Mercy K駅から歩いて行くと少し見つかりづらい立地ですが、置いてある品はどれも「高品質で安心安全」という印象でした。 駅の近くにオーガニックショップがあるのは気軽に行けてとてもいいと思います。 (Translated by...駅から歩いて行くと少し見つかりづらい立地ですが、置いてある品はどれも「高品質で安心安全」という印象でした。
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It's a little hard to find when you walk from the station, but all the items they carry have the impression that they are of high quality and safe.
I think it's great to have an organic shop near the station because it's easy to go to. -
M. O.全ての商品に、お店の方の手書きの説明が書かれていて、一つひとつこだわりの品だということが伝わりました。実際購入させて頂きましたが、どれも本当に安心安全で美味しかったです。旬のお野菜がいつも並んでい...全ての商品に、お店の方の手書きの説明が書かれていて、一つひとつこだわりの品だということが伝わりました。実際購入させて頂きましたが、どれも本当に安心安全で美味しかったです。旬のお野菜がいつも並んでいるそうなので、リピートしたいお店です。子供たちにはここのお店のおやつを食べさせたいなぁと思います。気になる商品がたくさんあるのでまた行きます。店主のお人柄も素敵で、また会いたくなりました。
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All products have handwritten instructions written by the store staff, which lets you know that each product is made with care. I actually purchased them, and they were all really safe and delicious. It seems like they always have seasonal vegetables lined up, so it's a shop I'd like to visit again and again. I would like my children to eat snacks from this shop. I'll be going again because there are so many products I'm interested in. The owner's personality was also very nice and made me want to meet him again. -
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It's a shop where you can shop with peace of mind, with lots of pesticide-free vegetables and products that are kind to your body and the environment ♡ We also had a wide selection of products recommended by the shop owner and wonderful local products ♬ Learn how to use them and cook them Thank you very much for explaining the method in detail! I'll be visiting again as there is a product I'm looking for ♡